
If you have a child that does not qualify for special education
but has a mental or physical impariment which substantially limits
one or more major life activities, including learning, that child
may qualify for special help in a regular classroom setting under
section 504 of IDEA.
The following is a list of accomodations that may help your child
succeed in the classroom. The list can be used as a reference for
parents and school personnel.
- pairing students to check work
- writing key points on the board
- providing peer tutoring
- providing visual aids, large print, films
- providing peer notetaker
- making sure directions are understood
- including a variety of activities during each lesson
- repeating directions to the student after they have been given
to the class: then have him/her repeat and explain directions
to teacher
- providing written outline
- allowing student to tape record lessons
- having child review key points orally
- teaching through multi-sensory modes, visual, auditory, kinestetics,
- using computer-assisted instruction
- accompany oral directions with written directions for child
to refer to blackboard or paper
- provide a model to help students, post the model and refer to
it often
- provide cross age peer tutoring
- to assist the student in finding the main idea underlying, highlighting,
cue cards, etc.
- breaking longer presentations into shorter segments
- giving extra time to complete tasks
- simplifying complex directions
- handing worksheets out one at a time
- reducing the reading level of the assignments
- requiring fewer correct responses to achieve grade (quality
vs. quantity)
- allowing student to tape record assignments/homework
- providing a structured routine in written form
- providing study skills training/learning strategies
- giving frequent short quizzes and avoiding long tests
- shortening assignments; breaking work into smaller segments
- allowing typewritten or computer printed assignments prepared
by the student or dictated by the student and recorded by someone
else if needed.
- using self-monitoring devices
- reducing homework assignments
- not grading handwriting
- student should not be allowed to use cursive or manuscript writing
- reversals and transpositions of letters and numbers should not
be marked wrong, reversals or transpositions should be pointed
out for corrections
- do not require lengthy outside reading assignments
- teacher monitor students self-paced assignments (daily, weekly,
- arrangements for homework assignments to reach home with clear,
concise directions
- recognize and give credit for student's oral participation in
- allowing open book exams
- giving exam orally
- giving take home tests
- using more objective items (fewer essay responses)
- allowing student to give test answers on tape recorder
- giving frequent short quizzes, not long exams
- allowing extra time for exam
- reading test item to student
- avoid placing student under pressure of time or competition
- provding peer assistance with organizational skills
- assigning volunteer homework buddy
- allowing student to have an extra set of books at home
- sending daily/weekly progress reports home
- developing a reward system for in-schoolwork and homework completion
- providing student with a homework assignment notebook
- use of timers to facilitate task completion
- structure transitional and unstructured times (recess, hallways,
lunchroom, locker room, library, assembly, field trips, etc.)
- praising specific behaviors
- using self-monitoring strategies
- giving extra privileges and rewards
- keeping classroom rules simple and clear
- making "prudent use" of negative consequences
- allowing for short breaks between assignments
- cueing student to stay on task (nonverbal signal)
- marking student's correct answers, not his mistakes
- implementing a classroom behavior management system
- allowing student time out of seat to run errands, etc.
- ignoring inappropriate behaviors not drastically outside classroom
- allowing legitimate movement
- contracting with the student
- increasing the immediacy of rewards
- implementing time-out procedures
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