FLORIDA STATE FOSTER PARENT ASSOCIATION POSITION STATEMENTThe General membership of the Florida State Foster Parent Association met in Sarasota on November 9, 1998. At this meeting, the membership recommended a position statement over H.B. 3217 an act relating to the privatization of foster care and related services, a legislative mandate. The Florida State Foster Parent Association believes the State of Florida, the school system, the courts, law enforcement, foster parents, local government, churches, the child and family, local businesses and foundation as well as other community organizations are critical partners in attaining successful permanency for our children. The Florida State Foster Parent Association hopes that you will consider our position statement with our sentiments and issues listed below. Community based lead agencies shall be mission driven, culturally appropriate, accessible and accountable at every level in the system. Community based lead agencies shall build a stakeholder advisory committee with continuing input and monitoring. This community stakeholder advisory committee, made-up with the involvement of volunteers, should participate in the annual evaluation of services. Community based lead agencies shall continue to work with a stakehold advisory commit tee of concerned community leaders to provide ongoing oversight and advice. Community based lead agencies shall provide clients with an annual survey to build a baseline for future outcome measures. Surveys will be approved by the lead agency, stakeholders and the Department of Children and Families. Community based lead agencies shall interview foster children and foster parents upon discharge from foster care and will be collated and reported annually. Community based lead agencies shall significantly improve their relationship and performance with the clients, foster parents, Guardian Ad Litem, the Judicial system and the community. Community based lead agencies shall provide services with the best interest and safety of the child as their first consideration. Community based lead agencies shall deliver and be accountable for providing a high quality of care in the most efficient manner. They should establish internal standards of care for each service being provided. There should be a continuos quality of improved delivery system throughout the continuum of care. Community based lead agencies will not reduce services and/or cut corners on service quality by hiring inexperienced, transient personnel at low wages, and offer part-time or temporary jobs with no benefits. This actions can results in extremely high turnover rates causing a lack of stability for children. Community based lead agencies will have competency based, certified trained staff. Community based lead agencies shall provide adequate, acceptable and competent trainin for foster parents and they will receive access to monthly in-service training to meet the required 8 hours of training. Training, knowledge, and skills are a crucial componentsin working with children and families. Community based lead agencies shall provide foster parents with specific performance standards and they will be reviewed a minimum of once a year. Community based lead agencies shall provide foster parents with specific tasks and goals to work with each child in their home and will be included in case plan development. Community based lead agencies shall provide information to foster parent on issues relative to the child that may jeopardize the health and safety of the foster family or alter the manner in which foster care should be administered. Community based lead agencies shall permit the foster parent to refuse placement within their home, or to request upon notice the removal of a child from his or her home for good reason, without threat or reprisal, unless otherwise stipulated by contract or policy. Community based lead agencies shall inform the foster parent of scheduled meetings and staffings, concerning the foster child, and the foster parent shall be permitted to actively participate in the case planning and decision making process regarding the child in foster care. This may include individual service planning meetings, foster care review, individual educational planning and 504 meetings. Community based lead agencies shall inform a foster parent of decisions made by the courts or the agency and provide written notification of changes in the case plan or termination of the placement and the reasons for the changes or termination of placement. Community based lead agencies shall permit, through written consent, the ability to the foster parent to communicate with professionals who work with the foster child, including any therapists, physicians and teachers that work directly with the child. Community based lead agencies shall consider the foster parent as the possible first choice permanent placement for the child, who after being in foster care for twelve months, become free for adoption or permanent foster care. Community based lead agencies shall consider the former foster family as a placement option if a foster child who was formerly placed with the foster parents is to be reentered into foster care. Community based lead agencies shall permit the Foster Allegation Support Team (FAST) volunteers to serve as an advocate for a foster parent involved in a child abuse/neglect report. Such advocate shall be permitted to be present at all portions of investigations where the accused foster parent are present, and all communication received by such advocate therein shall be strictly confidential. Community based lead agencies shall develop concurrent planning, that assures strategies for service and permanency regardless of the turns a particular family may take over the course of their involvement with the agency. Concurrent planning needs to involve all parties in the formulation of the case plan. (All parties: Children biological parents, other relatives, foster parents, GALs, and case workers.) Community based lead agencies shall develop a plan for "single point entry" that assures the children and families consistency of treatment, reduction of duplication of services and efforts, a match of children to their foster placement to allow for a successful place ment, and establishment of a plan of service based upon a comprehensive assessment. Community based lead agencies shall develop a full continuum of service
by using community based partnership of agencies. Community based lead agencies shall provide an internal Quality Improvement System that establishes specific performance criteria and is continuously evaluating performance with the flexibility to make immediate changes to improve outcomes. |