I am a lucky kid. I have a daddy that lives in my house. My daddy loves
me, takes care of me and teaches me right from wrong. He says prayers
with me every night at bedtime and at dinner. My daddy teaches me how
to ride horses, play tennis and even teaches me to play baseball. My
daddy plays wrestle with me on the living room floor and teaches me
all about football, basketball, and baseball. My daddy sat down with
me at the computer and taught me how to play games, and my daddy even
plays chess with me. My daddy takes me fishing, boating and camping.
When I was sick, my daddy stayed up with me and held me even when I
was crying and throwing up. My daddy changed my diapers when they were
really stinky and never even got upset with me! My daddy held my head
close to this shoulder and carried me to the hospital when I had to
have stitches where I fell and hurt myself. My daddy put medicine on
my skinned knee that didn't even sting!
Sometimes I get real mad at my daddy, when he puts me in time-out for
hitting my brothers and sisters, but everytime I come out of time-out
my daddy makes me remember why I had to go into time-out and hugs me
to tell me that he still loves me no matter what I do. My daddy goes
to the doctor with me and holds my hand when I get a shot and even lets
me cry as loud as I want. My daddy likes to tickle my feet when I sit
in the car seat and we are going somewhere. My daddy even lets me eat
cheerios in his nice new car. My daddy likes to sit on the floor with
me and play patty-cake and he taught me how to sit up and taught me
how to walk.
Everyone thinks that only mommy's do all of these things. I don't know
what I would do without my daddy. Mommy can't catch a ball, play frisbee
or catch a fish as good as my daddy can. My daddy is teaching me to
plant trees, mow the lawn, swim, and even teach the dog tricks.
My daddy loves taking me for drives in the car. If I am real good,
I even get to stop and get a treat! Daddy is not afraid to go to school
with me and help me face a bully when its needed, but he also will come
and talk to the teacher. Every day when Daddy comes home from work,
my brothers and sisters and I all run to the door yelling "Daddy's Home".
We know we will always get a hug and a kiss. Daddy likes to cook my
favorite dishes and will even order pizza just for us. Daddy even washes
us up after dinner and will play with us in the bathtub. My daddy taught
me how to take a shower like a man, and even taught me how to use the
potty like a "big boy". My daddy taught me how to tie my shoes and even
bought me special cartoon character shoes as a reward for learning to
tie my shoes. My daddy even bought me a watch to learn to tell time.
My daddy sits down with me every night at the dinner table and helps
me with my homework, and even helps with my bible study. My daddy loves
me and shows it. I've seen my daddy do dishes, fold clothes, clean house
and all the other things that mommy's normally do. My daddy is the greatest!
I am a lucky kid. I have a daddy that lives in my house. My daddy loves
me, takes care of me and teaches me right from wrong. I also have a
"real" mommy and daddy. I don't get to live with them right now, but
that's alright I've got my daddy. I am living in a home with my "Foster
Parents". My foster daddy is a wonderful guy, isn't he?
Note: The things mentioned above are actual statements from children
in foster care in Barrow County. These men are active foster parents
in our county and are unsung heroes. Most of us think that only the
woman of the house takes care of the kids. Children in foster care have
special needs that are more extreme than the children we normally have
in our homes. These extraordinary men that take classes, take training,
help with housework, and loving children; are men that should be recognized
for their love, skill and talent.