Fostering Experiences
written by Brenda Shaw

I have so much love inside of me
Of which I want to share.
With all the needy children,
That there is in Foster Care.

Your love and understanding,
Is put to the test.
When you give a child all you've got,
And they ask you for the rest.

Sometimes you make a difference,
For a child within your care.
But more than not you're criticized,
For the time that they stayed there.

So many thoughts cloud my mind,
My heart is filled with pain.
Kids I thought I was helping,
Have laid on me, the blame.

You're guilty till proven innocent,
The system lets you know.
And you sit there, all alone,
With no where else to go.

You spend your life establishing,
A name of which you're proud.
A bitter child speaks ill of you,
And now you wear a shroud.

But it makes it all worth while to me,
To put up with this strife.
If I have made a difference,
In ONE young persons life!


What makes you feel all warm inside and sets your face aglow?
What makes you feel so angry, you think you're gonna blow?

What gives you peace and happiness, a wonderful contentment?
What makes you think you've had it, and fills you with resentment?

What makes you feel so proud inside, and lets you know you're needed?
What takes away your will to go on, and makes you feel defeated?

What fills you full of happiness, you feel your heart will burst?
What makes you reach down deep inside, and bring out all the worst?

The answer to these questions amount to just one thing.
It's all that you are feeling, when you are Fostering.


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