How Well Do You Know Your Child?
- What really makes your child angry?
- Who is your child's best friend?
- What color would your child like his or her room to be?
- Who is your child's hero?
- What embarrasses your child most?
- Would your child prefer a vanilla milk shake, a hot fudge sundae
or strawberry shortcake?
- In gym class, would your child rather play basketball, do exercises
or run relays?
- What is your child's favorite subject in school?
- What is the subject your child dislikes most?
- What names is your child called in school?
- What is your child's favorite music?
- What is your child's favorite Bible verse?
- What is your child's biggest complaint about the family?
- If you could buy your child anything in the world, what would be
his or her first choice?
- What is your child's favorite television show?
- Of what accomplishment is your child proudest?
- What has been the biggest disappointment in your child's life?
- What is your child's favorite sport?
- Which of these chores does your child dislike most: drying dishes,
cleaning his or her room or taking out the trash?
- What is your child's favorite book?
- Does your child feel too small or too big for his or her age?
- What gift from you does your child cherish most?
- What person outside the family has most influenced your child's life?
- When does your child prefer to do homework....after school, after
supper, before bed, or in the morning before school?
Keeping an open line of communication with your child is important
to their health, safety, self-esteem, trust of adults and ability
to take responsibility for their actions.
If you want your child to take an interest in him or herself, you
must take an active interest in your child.
If you do not know the answers to most of the above questions, it
is never too late to sit down with your child and use the above questions
as a guide to start a conversation. Do not ask each question at once,
but pick one and expand a conversation from that one question. Do
that daily or several times a week and you will see how enjoyable
it can be to communicate with your child. Remember to give your undivided
attention and keep tv and radio off.