Fred Leiner, President AFFILIATE CHAPTER: An association that operates under its own Nonprofit Status. Dues $25.00 + $10.00 per each chapter member SUBORDINATE CHAPTER: An association that operates under the California Caregivers Association Nonprofit Status. Subordinate Chapters are responsible to send QUARTERLY REPORTS to CSCPA. Copies of all Financial Contracts, Grants, Fund raising Reports, Tax letters and Tax Reports. Dues $50.00 + $10.00 per each chapter member Associate Member: Any other interested person who
pays the specified dues and applies to join the Association. They may
join through an affiliated or subordinate chapter, or they may apply
directly to the Association for membership. They may vote only at the
annual meeting unless they hold an elected/appointed position of the
Association, in which case they may vote at any board meeting. They
may hold any office other than president.
Dues $35.00
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